Climate and Energy News

New mapping method uses sustained observations to estimate AMOC at 22.5°S

A new study estimates the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) and heat transport at 22.5°S...

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Saildrone helping scientists improve hurricane forecasts

Observations and measurements collected by the ocean robot can detect sudden changes in ocean conditions...

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Discovering new patterns in warm conveyor belts in the Pacific

A new study finds that the location of the Madden–Julian Oscillation affects where precipitation-rich warm...

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Machine learning method leads to better understanding of the North Atlantic Oscillation

Traditionally, scientists have used linear techniques to unravel the North Atlantic Oscillation’s complexities but machine...

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A collaborative effort investigates the ocean’s biological carbon pump

A NOAA-USGS team of scientists collected biological debris from seafloor sediments in the Gulf of...

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How two scientists have advanced marine ecosystems research in the Arctic

The researchers are not just contributing to research, they are connecting and building scientific communities...

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Modeling and paleoclimate study links recent hurricane trends with internal climate variability

Researchers have found that late-20th-century hurricane frequency aligns statistically with patterns seen over the past...

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New study finds an ongoing shift in the pollution dynamics of New York City

A new study finds that most of New York City’s organic pollutants come from secondary...

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Globally representative evidence on the actual and perceived support for climate action

Nature Climate Change, Published online: 09 February 2024; doi:10.1038/s41558-024-01925-3 Global support and cooperation are necessary...

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Supply-chain adaptation

Nature Climate Change, Published online: 08 February 2024; doi:10.1038/s41558-024-01935-1 Supply-chain adaptation   ...

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Inclusive and resilient mobility

Nature Climate Change, Published online: 08 February 2024; doi:10.1038/s41558-024-01936-0 Inclusive and resilient mobility   ...

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Monitoring bias for genetic diversity

Nature Climate Change, Published online: 08 February 2024; doi:10.1038/s41558-024-01934-2 Monitoring bias for genetic diversity   ...

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