After the eruption of Mauna Loa Volcano on November 27, 2022, Mauna Loa Observatory staff...
Climate and Energy News
Greenhouse gas forcing and climate feedback signatures identified in hyperspectral infrared satellite observations
New research identifies the signature of greenhouse gas increase and the associated global warming in...
PBL: minder economische schade bij regionaal covidbeleid
Wanneer bij een pandemie voor gerichte maatregelen per regio wordt gekozen, vermindert dat de economische...
Impacts of enhanced marine forecasting
A new story from NOAA Fisheries highlights enhanced forecasting that can anticipate changing ocean conditions...
Solar radiation interacts with complex Tibetan topography, affecting climate near and far
Summary: The Tibetan Plateau is the largest area of elevated topography on Earth. A new...
Can solar radiation management slow Antarctic ice melt?
A new study uses computer modeling to explore how injecting reflective particles into the atmosphere...
Seasonal hurricane predictions at GFDL
Seasonal hurricane predictions are like a large puzzle, with several pieces coming together to create...
Report emphasizes urgent need to reduce global emissions
According to the newest Global Carbon Budget report, global emissions continue to rise and must...
Reflectie op een Succesvolle dag: Rudifun Hackathon, Amsterdam – 1 December 2023
RUDIFUN is de door het Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving ontwikkelde dataset met informatie over RUimtelijke...
35 TWh doel zon en wind op land in 2030 goed haalbaar, maar groei op langere termijn stagneert
Het doel uit het Klimaatakkoord om in 2030 35 terawattuur (TWh) elektriciteit uit zonne en...
Record fossil carbon dioxide emissions impeding progress on meeting climate goals: report
While carbon dioxide emissions of declining in some regions, they continue to rise overall. A...
Skillful multiyear to decadal predictions of sea level in the North Atlantic Ocean and U.S. East Coast
A new study finds that sea level variations along the U.S. East Coast are skillfully...