Climate and Energy News

The geography of conventional agriculture’s unsustainability

Nature Climate Change, Published online: 04 November 2024; doi:10.1038/s41558-024-02143-7 An in-depth examination of the factors...

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Conventional agriculture increases global warming while decreasing system sustainability

Nature Climate Change, Published online: 04 November 2024; doi:10.1038/s41558-024-02170-4 The authors provide a global, cradle-to-gate...

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New study on managed-retreat buyout programs

Government programs such as managed retreat are controversial. New findings suggest long-term success of these...

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Fact check: Debunking weather-modification claims

As the southeastern United States reels from the impact of two historic hurricanes, disinformation about...

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Microbes, not fossil fuels, are behind recent methane surge

A recent study reveals that microbes, rather than fossil fuels, have been driving the surge...

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Unique smoke emissions from wildland-urban interface fires

The combination of burned plastics, resins, and wood could affect interactions between smoke and sunlight...

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Enhancing summer Madden-Julian Oscillation prediction using machine learning

The Madden-Julian Oscillation influences weather across the tropics. Its behavior is less predictable in summer...

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Now study on managed-retreat buyout programs

Government programs such as managed retreat are controversial. New findings suggest long-term success of these...

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U.S. Winter Outlook: Warmer and drier South, wetter North

A slowly-developing La Niña is favored to influence conditions most of the United States from...

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Increased environmental drying risk for anurans globally under projected climate change

Nature Climate Change, Published online: 29 October 2024; doi:10.1038/s41558-024-02169-x Climate change is exacerbating the severity...

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PBL: bouw niet te veel extreem kleine (flex)woningen

Het aandeel woningen in Nederland van vijftig vierkante meter of minder nam de afgelopen jaren...

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Author Correction: Attributing human mortality from fire PM2.5 to climate change

Nature Climate Change, Published online: 25 October 2024; doi:10.1038/s41558-024-02195-9 Author Correction: Attributing human mortality from...

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