Modeling suggests that, under a warming climate, extreme near-surface wind speeds will increase by up...
Climate and Energy News
Understanding Earth through GFDL’s advanced global models
In celebration of Earth Month, GFDL shares how the lab is investing to meet weather...
NIDIS releases 2023 annual report
The National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS) has released its annual report, highlighting accomplishments from...
A risk assessment framework for the future of forest microbiomes in a changing climate
Nature Climate Change, Published online: 29 April 2024; doi:10.1038/s41558-024-02000-7 In this Perspective, the authors develop...
Analysing health system capacity and preparedness for climate change
Nature Climate Change, Published online: 26 April 2024; doi:10.1038/s41558-024-01994-4 The authors perform a meta-analysis to...
Large methane mitigation potential through prioritized closure of gas-rich coal mines
Nature Climate Change, Published online: 26 April 2024; doi:10.1038/s41558-024-02004-3 Methane emissions from abandoned mines have...
Interactions between climate change and urbanization will shape the future of biodiversity
Nature Climate Change, Published online: 26 April 2024; doi:10.1038/s41558-024-01996-2 In this Perspective, the authors develop...
CO2-heffing aan buitengrens vermindert weglek industrie
Vanaf 2026 introduceert de EU geleidelijk een CO2-importheffing aan de buitengrens (CBAM), om verplaatsing van...
Promotie Clara Veerkamp: Bevorderen van modelgebaseerde beoordelingen van ecosysteemdiensten ter ondersteuning van beleid
Clara Veerkamp onderzocht in haar proefschrift grootschalige, modelmatige en beleidsondersteunende analyses om ecosysteemdiensten met behulp...
Ook controversiële opties nodig voor klimaatneutraal Nederland in 2050
Het is technisch haalbaar: Nederland klimaatneutraal in 2050, inclusief de hier getankte bunkerbrandstof voor lucht...
Ocean temperature patterns are strongly controlled by ocean forces on a decadal timescale
In the mid- and high latitudes, ocean currents drive most changes in sea surface temperatures...
The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation is weakening in the deep sea of the North Atlantic Ocean, study finds
Cold, dense water from the Southern Ocean transfers heat and carbon to the Northern Hemisphere...