Climate and Energy News

Adaptation requires attuning to shifting temporal patterns

Nature Climate Change, Published online: 27 December 2023; doi:10.1038/s41558-023-01899-8 Communal life is characterized by the...

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The next generation of machine learning for tracking adaptation texts

Nature Climate Change, Published online: 27 December 2023; doi:10.1038/s41558-023-01890-3 This Perspective evaluates efforts using machine...

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NOAA-supported youth panel introduces climate literacy guide at COP28

A youth panel at COP28 featuring five young women climate leaders from around the country...

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What we’ve learned about our climate since 2015

As COP28 concludes, NOAA provides highlights observations since the last major climate agreement was signed...

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Iron deposition and climate change impacts on Pacific Ocean biogeochemistry

Projected end-of-21st-century increases in central tropical Pacific dust and iron deposition strengthen with increasing emissions/radiative...

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Twelve days of AOML research

From responding to heat waves to setting records and launching new tech, AOML’s dedicated team...

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Heightened health risks due to wildfire pollutants: Results from an AI modeling study

The Climate Program Office’s Atmospheric Chemistry, Carbon Cycle and Climate Program supported new research examining...

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Understanding wildfire emissions from flaming to smoldering using satellite data

A new study that uses satellite data to analyze gases emitted from wildfires with the...

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Refining forecasts of the California Current System

Along the west coast of the U.S., the dynamic and very biodiverse California Current System...

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A clearer understanding of tropical cyclone weather fronts

A new study supported by the Climate Program Office’s Climate Variability & Predictability (CVP) Program...

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Soil organic carbon losses exacerbated by climate extremes

Nature Climate Change, Published online: 22 December 2023; doi:10.1038/s41558-023-01873-4 Both warming and precipitation changes are...

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Saleemul Huq (1952–2023)

Nature Climate Change, Published online: 22 December 2023; doi:10.1038/s41558-023-01901-3 Saleemul Huq (1952–2023)   ...

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